
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
20. Religious Observance
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
This week I talk to Wayne of Religious Observance about their new album, Utter Discomfort, and their vast web of related bands.
- 2:55 Religious Observance
The songs played during this episode were:
- 14:10 In Ano
- 29:00 Seppuku
- 53:15 Saṃghāta
Recommendation: Bring The Season by I Declare War (also listen to Amidst The Bloodshed)
Religious Observance's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/religiousobservance
Religious Observance's Bandcamp: https://religiousobservance.bandcamp.com/

Thursday Dec 13, 2018
19. Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
This week I talk to Paul Briggs of Perth instrumental band Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving about their new album No Tether and their upcoming show featuring archival footage from the Western Australian State Library.
- 0:45 Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving
The songs played during this episode were:
- 37:20 The Alarmist
- 1:16:10 Signal Erosion
Band's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TangledThoughtsOfLeaving
Band's Bandcamp: https://music.tangledthoughtsofleaving.com/

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
18. One Step Beyond
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
This week I talk to Matt Spencer and Justin Wood of Adelaide extreme metal band One Step Beyond about their new album In The Shadow Of The Beast, Justin's prodigious history in the Adelaide death metal scene and why Matt likes so many different forms of music.
- 5:35 One Step Beyond, Justin Wood
- 25:50 One Step Beyond, Matt Spencer
The songs played during this episode were:
- 22:25 In The Shadow Of The Beast
- 37:35 Enlightenment
- 50:35 The Sentinel
I also discuss what happens when a band changes its sound.
Recommendation: If Only Every Day Could Be Like This by Even the Trees
One Step Beyond's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/One-Step-Beyond/120399988088662?ref=hl
One Step Beyond's Bandcamp: http://onestepbeyond1.bandcamp.com/
If Only Every Day Could Be Like This - Even the Trees: https://eventhetrees.bandcamp.com/album/if-only-every-day-could-be-like-this

Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
17. Divine Ascension
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
This week I talk to Jennifer Borg of Melbourne progressive metal band Divine Ascension about their new album The Uncovering and her life before metal.
- 4:30 Divine Ascension
The songs played during this episode were:
- 29:30 Pursuit Of Desire
- 44:20 Vultures
- 1:01:30 Evermore
I also discuss the dangers of a live show.
Divine Ascension's Homepage: http://www.divine-ascension.com/
Divine Ascension's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/divineascension
Divine Ascension's 's Bandcamp: http://divineascension1.bandcamp.com/
Bring Me The Horizon on Fans' Death During London Show: 'Words Cannot Express How Horrified We Are Feeling': https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/8487716/bring-me-the-horizon-react-fan-death-london-show

Sunday Dec 02, 2018
16. Laedj.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
This week I speak to Mathias and Nathan from Laedj. about their self-titled EP and how the band has transformed since writing and recording those songs.
- 9:05 Laedj.
The songs played during this episode were:
- 26:05 Monitor
- 1:02:40 Bug In The Mainframe
I also discuss the relation of heavy music to mainstream culture and why I think it is important we actively preserve that distinction.
Laedj.'s Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/laedjband
Laedj.'s Bandcamp: https://laedj.bandcamp.com/

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
15: Project:Heavensent
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
This week I talk to Adam Kulga of Australian one person band Project:Heavensent about his new self-titled album. We go into lots of detail about how the album came about after several previous projects.
- 1:25 Project:Heavensent
The songs played during this episode were:
- 35:20 A Need For Departure
- 1:13:40 Rope
Project:Heavensent's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectheavensent
Project:Heavensent's Bandcamp: https://projectheavensent.bandcamp.com

Monday Nov 26, 2018
14. Sylvaine
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
This week I talk to Kathrine Shepard of Norwegian one person band Sylvaine about her new album Atoms Aligned, Coming Undone and how she began to include the outside world in her music.
- 5:00 Sylvaine
The songs played during this episode were:
- 25:15 Mørklagt
- 52:20 Abeyance
I also reflect on my previous interview of Sylvaine and how I have improved and focused my style.
Recommendation: Duality by Takt
Sylvaine's Website: http://www.sylvainemusic.com/
Sylvaine's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sylvainemusic
Sylvaine's Bandcamp: https://sylvainemusic.bandcamp.com
Duality – Takt: https://taktmusicman.bandcamp.com/

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
13. Bloodbath
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
This week I talk to Nick Holmes of Swedish death metal band Bloodicide about their new album The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn and why he doesn't think much of jamming to write an album.
- 6:35 Bloodbath
The songs played during this episode were:
- 12:40 Bloodicide
- 28:00 Chainsaw Lullaby
I also discuss the contract Taylor Swift signed with Universal Music Group. I swear it's relevant.
Recommendation: The Phobos/Deimos Suite by Serocs
Band's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloodbathband
Here's How Taylor Swift Just Helped A Ton of Metal Bands With Her New Recording Contract: http://www.metalinjection.net/its-just-business/heres-how-taylor-swift-just-helped-a-ton-of-metal-bands-with-her-new-recording-contract
The Phobos/Deimos Suite - Serocs: https://everlastingspewrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-phobos-deimos-suite

Monday Nov 19, 2018
12. Shallow Grave
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
This week I talk to Michael Rothwell of New Zealand band Shallow Grave about their new album Threshold Between Worlds and why it was important they try something different.
- 8:15 Shallow Grave
The songs played during this episode were:
- 31:10 Threshold Between Worlds
- 51:25 The Horrendous Abyss
I also discuss a paper published about listening to Death Metal
Recommendation: Drowned by Barús
Shallow Grave's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shallowgravedoom
Shallow Grave's Bandcamp: https://shallowgravedoom.bandcamp.com/
Threatin: band creates fake fanbase for tour attended by no one: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/nov/12/threatin-band-fake-fanbase-tour
Drowned - Barús: https://barus.bandcamp.com/album/drowned

Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
This week I talk to Marius and Fredrik about their international band GRVIK, how they found themselves on opposite sides of the world and the way their music is formed by their process.
- 8:10 GRVIK
The songs played during this episode were:
- 28:40 Havbunn
- 53:15 新宿
I also discuss the amazing story of Threatin's tour which nobody attended.
Recommendation: The First 100 Songs by Anal Trump
- GRVIK's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/grvik
- GRVIK's Bandcamp: https://grvik.bandcamp.com/
- Threatin: band creates fake fanbase for tour attended by no one: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/nov/12/threatin-band-fake-fanbase-tour
- The First 100 Songs - Anal Trump: https://analtrump.bandcamp.com/album/the-first-100-songs