
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
10. The Ocean
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
This week I talk to Robin Staps of The Ocean about their new album, Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic, his quiet place to write music and why he continues to be interested in geological periods.
- 5:45 The Ocean
The songs played during this episode were:
- 14:10 Cambrian II: Eternal Recurrence
- 29:55 Permian: The Great Dying
I also discuss interviewing high profile bands with specific interview schedules.
Recommendation: The Bleakness Of Our Constant by Eneferens
- The Ocean's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theoceancollective
- The Ocean's Bandcamp: https://theocean.bandcamp.com
- The Bleakness Of Our Constant - Eneferens: https://eneferens.bandcamp.com/album/the-bleakness-of-our-constant

Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
9. Alithia
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
This week I talk to John Rousvanis of Alithia about their new album, The Moon Has Fallen, and their European tour.
- 4:30 Alithia
The songs played during this episode were:
- 17:10 Diamonds
- 37:50 The Knife
- 50:35 The Sun
I also discuss the Bear The Mammoth show and different opinions about what makes a good live show.
Recommendation: Apocalypticists by Kriegsmaschine
- Alithia's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alithiaband
- Apocalypticists - Kriegsmaschine: https://ksmpl.bandcamp.com/album/apocalypticists

Friday Oct 26, 2018
8. Sumeru
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
This week I talk to Peter Bursky of Sumeru about their new album, Summon Destroyer, and the influence meditation has had on his music.
- 7:00 Sumeru
The songs played during this episode were:
- 25:40 Summon Destroyer
- 51:40 Embrace The Cold
I also discuss the growing number of female guitarists and why that isn't enough to make the metal scene a welcoming place.
Recommendation: Flood by Domkraft
- Sumeru's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mountsumeru
- Sumeru's Bandcamp: https://sumeru.bandcamp.com/
- Report: Fender Study Reveals Women Make Up 50 Percent of Beginning Players: http://loudwire.com/fender-study-women-50-percent-beginning-players/
- Kat Katz Quits Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Says She’s “Tired of Being Bullied by Dudes”: http://www.metalsucks.net/2018/10/24/kat-katz-quits-agoraphobic-nosebleed-says-shes-tired-of-being-bullied-by-dudes/amp/
- Absu’s Melissa Moore (aka Vis Crom): “I Lost My Band When I Came Out” as Transgender: http://www.metalsucks.net/2018/10/24/absus-melissa-moore-aka-vis-crom-i-lost-my-band-when-i-came-out-as-transgender/amp/
- Flood - Domkraft: https://domkraft.bandcamp.com/album/flood

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
7. Adnate
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
I talked with the boys from Adnate about how the band reformed and go through a track by track discussion of the album.
- 5:45 Adnate
I also chatted about the removal of As I Lay Dying from Spain's Resurrection Fest.
- Adnate's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdnateMusic
- Adnate's Bandcamp: https://adnate.bandcamp.com/
- As I Lay Dying removed from 2019 Resurrection Fest lineup following fan backlash: https://www.yahoo.com/news/lay-dying-removed-2019-resurrection-145943304.html

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
6. Bear The Mammoth
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
This week I talk to James Kershaw of Bear The Mammoth about the many iterrations of the band he has been in and role improvised jamming has in their music.
- 3:20 Bear The Mammoth
The songs played during this episode were:
- 24:55 Decembering
- 54:05 Sank
I also discussed briefly mentioned Nergal's comments about the importance of Slayer.
Recommendation: Written In Waters by Ved Buens Ende
- Bear The Mammoth's Facebook: http://facebook.com/bearthemammoth
- Bear The Mammoth's Bandcamp: https://bearthemammoth.com
- Nergal: I can imagine a world without God but not a world without Slayer, Louder: https://www.loudersound.com/news/nergal-i-can-imagine-a-world-without-god-but-not-a-world-without-slayer

Thursday Oct 18, 2018
5. Ploughshare
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
This week I talk to David, Rohan and Max of Ploughshare about recording an album without the pressures of a studio and their themes of waste and expurgation.
• 10:20 Ploughshare
The songs played during this episode were:
• 37:05 The Urinary Chalice Held Aloft
• 1:14:55 Salvific Putridity Bestowed
I also discussed the article in Loudwire about the inventors of metalcore, and why predecessors can be far more important that pioneers.
Recommendation: Unbound by Sargeist
• Ploughshare's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/INDOMITABLEPLOUGHSHARE/
• Ploughshare's Bandcamp: https://ploughshare.bandcamp.com/album/in-offal-salvation
• Vocalist Alex Varkatzas Says Atreyu “Invented Metalcore”, MetalSucks: http://www.metalsucks.net/2018/10/16/vocalist-alex-varkatzas-says-atreyu-invented-metalcore/
• Unbound by Sargeist: https://wtcproductions.bandcamp.com/album/unbound

Friday Oct 12, 2018
4. Moon Dweller
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
This week I talk to Bianca and Callum of Tasmanian atmospheric black metal band Moon Dweller about their debut album, Meridian, and it's interesting development.
- 8:00 Moon Dweller
The songs played during this episode were:
- 31:40 Ex Nihilo
- 56:55 Empyrean Flux
I also discussed the article in No Clean Singing about the death of genres.
Recommendation: Beastland by Author & Punisher
- Moon Dweller's Website: moondwellerband.com.au
- Moon Dweller's Facebook: facebook.com/pg/MoonDwellerBand
- Moon Dweller's Bandcamp: moondwellerband.bandcamp.com/album/meridian
- A Dialogue On The Death Of Genres, No Clean Signing: https://www.nocleansinging.com/2018/10/04/a-dialogue-on-the-death-of-genres/
- Beastland by Author & Punisher: https://authorandpunisher.bandcamp.com/album/beastland

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
3. Anna Pest/Mellevon
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
This week I interview Canadian eclectic metal girl April Hutchins about her new trilogy of Anna Pest EP's and the final release from her band Mellevon.
- 6:05 Anna Pest
- 37:25 Mellevon
The songs played during this episode were:
- 13:45 RotWomb (from A Fortress of Flesh)
- 28:50 Making the Same Fucking Mistake for the Sixth Time on a Thursday Night (from Something Is A Foot)
- 48:25 Pray to Me ( from A Fortress of Flesh)
I also discussed the article in Invisible Oranges about Brendan Sloan's Convulsing.
Recommendation: Toby Driver - They Are The Shield

Saturday Oct 06, 2018
2. Skullcave
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
This week I interview Perth doomgaze band Skullcave about their new album, FEAR, the themes of mental health that permeate the release and the album launch show.
- 7:05 Skullcave
The songs played during this episode were both from their album FEAR
- 27:15 Next Earth
- 54:45 Forgiving
I also talk a little bit about my background and how that will shape this podcast.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
1. Negfest Special
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
In this inaugural episode of Australian Hunger, I have some very special interviews recorded live at Negfest last week.
- 4:27 Convulsing, where we discuss his latest album Greivous and his very first live show
- 41:07 Omahara, where we talk about the unique way they approach their music and their new material
- 1:01:10 Lachlan Dale, owner of the label as Art As Catharsis, a brief discussion about organising the event, the label and his musical projects
A massive thanks to Convulsing and Omahara for letting me interview them on the day and to Lachlan Dale for setting me up.