
Friday Jul 03, 2020
56. Abramelin
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
This week I talk to Simon Dower of legendary Australian death metal band Abramelin about their new album Never Enough Stuff, how they finally got the album they wanted after three decades and getting back into the band after a 15 year hiatus.
- 2:45 Never Enough Stuff
The songs played during this episode were:
- 19:55 Never Enough Stuff
- 41:35 Knife Play
I also tease my new upcoming special project, to be released on this podcast feed very soon!
- Twisted Horror by Exhumed/Gruesome
- Abscess Time by Pyrrhon
Abramelin's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Abramelin-550713968275457/
Abramelin's Bandcamp: https://abramelin1.bandcamp.com/album/never-enough-snuff
Twisted Horror - Exhumed/Gruesome: https://exhumed.bandcamp.com/album/twisted-horror-split-with-gruesome
or: https://gruesomedeathmetal.bandcamp.com/album/twisted-horror-split-with-exhumed
Abscess Time - Pyrrhon: https://pyrrhonband.bandcamp.com/album/abscess-time

Friday Jun 19, 2020
55. The Nine Eight Podcast
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
I chat to David Ellis and Alex Hogg from The Nine Eight Podcast about the history of the podcast, the process, how they approach an interview, their controversial opinions on prog, bemoaning the future of centralising podcasts and much more!
The Nine Eight Podcast Fireside: https://thenineeightpodcast.fireside.fm/
The Night Eight Podcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thenineeightpodcast
The Australian and New Zealand Dream Theatre Fan Club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dream-Theater-Fan-Club-of-Australia-and-New-Zealand-109124315773107/
David's Band's (Proclivity) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ProclivityBand

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
54. Arbrynth
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
This week I talk to Matt Dodds of Melbourne metal band Arbrynth about their new album A Place Or Buried Light and the development of the band over the last seven years.
- 5:40 Arbrynth
The songs played during this episode were:
- 16:45 The Dark Between The Stars
- 40:20 Beautiful In Death
I also discuss the encouraging protests for racial justice.
- Empathica by Unreqvited
- A Dead And Aimless Hum by shedfromthebody
Arbrynth's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arbrynth
Arbrynth's Bandcamp: http://arbrynth.bandcamp.com/
Empathica - Unreqvited: https://unreqvited.bandcamp.com/album/empathica
A Dead And Aimless Hum - shedfromthebody: https://shedfromthebody.bandcamp.com/album/a-dead-and-aimless-hum

Thursday May 28, 2020
53. Hemina
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
This week I talk to Douglas Skene of Sydney progressive metal band Hemina about their last album Night Echoes, why they wanted a vinyl-length 45 minute record this time around and we discuss the impending effects of Coronavirus on the live scene and lockdown begins to happen two months ago.
- 3:35 Hemina
The songs played during this episode were:
- 24:55 What's the Catch?
- 45:15 We Will
I also discuss the delay in releasing the interview.
- Black Feathers On Their Graces by Master Massive
- Bloodletting by Mountaineer
Band's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heminamusic
Band's Bandcamp: https://hemina.bandcamp.com/
Master Massive - Black Feathers On Their Graces: https://vicisolumrecords.com/album/black-feathers-on-their-graves
Mountaineer - Bloodletting: https://mountaineerlfr.bandcamp.com/album/bloodletting

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
52. Lost Coast
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
This week I talk to guitarists Alex Fengler, Dylan Teaurima and Ben Harb of Canberra post-rock band Lost Coast about their debut self-titled album and their launch show, which they got in just under the line.
- 5:00 Lost Coast
The songs played during this episode were:
- 30:00 Dylan
- 56:55 l'Hermite
I also discuss the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on the live music industry and how people can help in their own ways.
- Continuance by Noir Reva
- The Long Way Down by Boneweaver
Band's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lostcoastband
Band's Bandcamp: http://lostcoast.bandcamp.com/
Coronavirus affecting music festivals worldwide, with Coachella postponed and Dark Mofo cancelled: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-11/coronavirus-spread-hits-music-festivals-and-events/12021562
Continuance - Noir Reva: https://noirreva.bandcamp.com/album/continuance
The Long Way Down - Boneweaver: https://boneweaver.bandcamp.com/album/the-long-way-down

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
51. Grief
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
This week I talk to Abbey and Elisa of doomgaze band Grief about their debut single Second Summer and the journey from bedroom band to the stage.
- 4:55 Grief
The song played during this episode was:
- 35:45 Second Summer
I also discuss the disruption of a Testament, Exodus and Death Angel concert by COVID-19 (caronavirus) and why it represents a far greater potential issue.
- A Fleur De Peau - I - There Is No Home by Déhà
- Rien Ne Devait Mourir by Angellore
Grief's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grief666/
Grief's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/____grief/
Grief's Bandcamp: http://grief666.bandcamp.com/
Coronavirus Forces Testament, Exodus and Death Angel Show Cancelation: https://www.metalsucks.net/2020/02/25/coronavirus-forces-testament-exodus-and-death-angel-show-cancelation/
A Fleur De Peau - I - There Is No Home by Déhà: https://deha.bandcamp.com/album/a-fleur-de-peau-i-there-is-no-home
Rien Ne Devait Mourir by Angellore: https://thevinyldivision.bandcamp.com/album/rien-ne-devait-mourir-2

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
50. Droid
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
This week I talk to Will Haines of Melbourne stoner band Droid about their new album Hyperreality, current Australian tour and why they wanted to give their debut a rockier feel.
- 7:20 Droid
The songs played during this episode were:
- 25:40 Mouth Of The Hound
- 52:45 Ant Queen
I also discuss The P.O.D. Kast and why nu metal is for all intents and purposes a purely nostalgia genre.
- Blue Mirror by Folian
- Translucent Blades by Grin
Band's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/droiddoom/
Band's Bandcamp: http://droiddoom.bandcamp.com/
P.O.D. Kast: https://www.patreon.com/thepodkast
Blue Mirror - Folian: https://folian.bandcamp.com/album/blue-mirror?label=2854937555&tab=music
Translucent Blades - Grin: https://grincult.bandcamp.com/album/translucent-blades

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
49. Alcest
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
This week I talk to Neige of French shoegaze black metal band Alcest about their new album Spiritual instinct and potential tour of Australia.
• 2:10 Alcest
Recommendation: Death Atlas by Cattle Decapitation
Alcest's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alcest.official/
Alcest's Bandcamp: http://alcest.bandcamp.com/
Death Atlas - Cattle Decapitation: https://cattledecapitation.bandcamp.com/album/death-atlas

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Bonus 4. Breaking The Lawsuit (The Eclecticast)
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
An excerpt from another podcast I do, The Eclecticast, which is relevant to the world of heavy metal.
Per the original episode description:
"This week Ben talks about lawsuits against Heavy Metal, how it was part of the panic about satanism and subliminal message in popular culture and how record came to be labelled in the United States. Trigger warnings for suicide and sexual assault."
Original episode link: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-a5qt8-b187ba?utm_campaign=w_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=w_share

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
48. Illyria
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
This week I talk to Ilija of Perth post-black metal band Illyria about their new album The Carpathian Summit.
- 0:45 Illyria
The songs played during this episode were:
- 21:20 Wilderness
- 46:10 Swansong
Illyria's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/illyriaofficial Illyria's Bandcamp: https://illyria.bandcamp.com/